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Rafael Mancilla

Rafael “Ralf” Mancilla is a network telecommunications professional by trade and a children's book author. He originates from the heart of Los Angeles, CA where he first developed his “Chicanismo”. As a government contractor he has lived in many places, but especially Mexico City, Arizona, Texas and Colorado, where he has enjoyed absorbing all facets of the Chicano lifestyle. Ralf is a former U.S. Marine and a combat veteran of the Iraq War. When not writing or drawing, he is actively involved in radio, satellite and network telecommunications in support of our troops locally and abroad. Ralf holds a B.A. degree in Information Technology and an M.A. degree in Business Administration. He lives with his family in Colorado Springs, CO. He likes to tinker and fix things in his garage during long Colorado winters, and takes every moment possible to encourage his children, as well as other young readers everywhere, to discover STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).


Rafael Mancilla
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