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Maria Ramirez

María Ramírez taught for 31 years in Colorado. María Ramírez is an award-winning educator, teacher, poet, and activist. She has been named the 1995 Colorado Bilingual Teacher of the Year (CABE), the 1996 National Bilingual Teacher of the Year (NABE), and in 2014 was named Boulder County’s Multicultural Educator of the Year. María uses her voice to help overcome barriers and inequities and helps others to find their voice. Her migrant roots and lessons learned in the fields have sustained her from the fields to the White House. Besides being invited to the White House María has been interviewed by CNN; her story has been published in The Associated Press, Time Magazine, Latina Magazine, USA Today, and Channel 9 News of Denver. She was a guest on El Show de Cristina and Univision. Writing has been her passion. She is currently in the editing process for her Memoir. Several chapters have been published in two anthologies: Gardens & Jungles by The Brighton Writing Group. Her story, “Taquitos To Go,” has also been published in the latest book of the Tummy Tales series. Soon, CALMA, the Colorado Alliance for Latino Mentors and Authors will publish their anthology: Ramas y Raíces: The Best of CALMA, where two additional chapters from her will be published along with one of her numerous poems. Maria continues to be requested to present her migrant experience in school districts and other institutions.

Maria Ramirez
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